
How Does Laughing Gas Work?

Some people have certain conditions that make it difficult to sit still to receive the treatment they need. Or, in the case of kids, for example, they may be too anxious to sit still too. Luckily, there is a solution to all of these problems: laughing gas.

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Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas is a popularly used sedative medication in the dental field. Read on in this blog from Academy Dental Care to find out why it’s called laughing gas, how it makes you feel, and how long it lasts after your appointment.

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Can You Drive After Laughing Gas

Can My Teeth Shift After Getting Dental Implants?

Many people decide to get dental implants when they are missing one or several teeth. One thing people ask is if their teeth can shift after a dental implant procedure. So, let’s answer this question and clear some doubts.

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Can My Teeth Shift After Getting Dental Implants

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